What are common mistakes to avoid in an early stage startup?

by SMEBOOK (admin) · January 19, 2021

Early stage start-ups are vulnerable to mistakes due to lack of experience. However, there are some common mistakes that most start-ups have made which one can avoid by being more informed. There is also the notion of holding a "funeral" for start-ups at Silicon Valley where the mistakes of a particular start-up is enumerated by the CEO. One of the biggest mistakes that can be made by an entrepreneur is hiring one's own friends as a part of their team. Hiring the wrong or incompetent team can plumet your start-up's graph considerably. It is better to find someone inexperienced but with the right mindset instead of relying on a seasoned individual who does not adhere to your goals. Start-ups depend upon the three As: Adopt, Adept and Adapt. They need to adopt the right strategy, be adept at what they bring to the table for their customers and be adaptable to changes.

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What are common mistakes to avoid in an early stage startup?

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