Some of the technological inventions in climate change innovation

by SMEBOOK (admin) · July 29, 2021

Following are some of the technological inventions in climate change innovation:

  • Giant vacuum cleaners are invented to reduce cardon dioxide concentration from the atmosphere by sequestrating it.
  • Many satellites are developed in to spot methane leaks as methane traps up to 80 times of heat in comparison to carbon dioxide. Satellites are foreseen to help reduce methane emission from the oil and gas industry by 50%.
  • An engineer pioneered an underwater pipe to pump cold water into reefs cooling them down since coral reefs are highly sensitive to increment in heat and temperature. The process is known as coral bleaching.
  • Plastic is providing enormous harm to the wildlife which went on to bring fluctuations in the climate change. Introduction of concept of plastic-eating enzymes that break downs plastic in a few numbers of days wherein plastic usually takes years and decades to undergo decomposition.

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Some of the technological inventions in climate change innovation

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